Arthritis and heart lesions. A study of 25 cases with pericarditis or valvular lesions associated to inflammatory joint disease.

Clinical and laboratory data of 25 patients with inflammatory joint disease and pericarditis or valvular heart disease are reviewed. The patients were divided in two groups: 11 presented pericarditis and 14 valvular heart disease. The patients studied presented a spectrum of diseases ranging from classical sero-positive rheumatoid arthritis to ankylosing spondylitis. Acute rheumatic fever was in no case the actual joint disease. In contrast to the patients with valvular heart disease nearly all patients with pericarditis were rheumatoid arthritis factor positive and signs of a generalized systemic disease with vasculitis were also more frequent. In the pericarditis group there was no sex difference in contrast to the valvular group where females were more often affected. The heart lesions were usually detected late in the course of the chronic joint disease. Valvular heart disease occurs not only in ankylosing spondylitis but also in rheumatoid arthritis, usually the sero-negative type. In the light of a survey of the literature, the pertinent findings are discussed.