Studies on the dynamics of impact interaction of the mechanoreological model under elastic plastic transformation of its mechanical system

Dynamic interaction of machine and equipment parts and elements is a widespread process. Therefore, simulation and analysis of these processes are relevant tasks. To study impact interaction, a mechanorheological viscoelastic plastic model was developed. The force in the beginning of plastic deformations is an important model parameter. However, previous researches were carried out under impact loading of the model. They assumed that the plastic deformation occurs along with the elastic one. However, impact processes are more sophisticated. At first, only elastic deformations occur. When stresses achieve a yield point, plastic deformations occur. Therefore, the influence of the force on the model impact interaction dynamics is of great interest. The results let us draw the following conclusions. At the loading stage, when a viscoelastic model transforms into a viscoelastic plastic model, plastic deformations decrease the impact force and rebound height. Due to plastic deformations, the surface becomes more flexible, the impact duration increases body braking acceleration and inertia decrease. It leads to the decrease in the dynamic load and rebound height.The research results can be used for further development of methods for calculating model parameters, enhancing impact process simulation accuracy and reliability.