Report Out of the C4I Study Group

Abstract : Simulation interfaces to Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Security, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems are essential to support: Simulation Based Acquisition (SBA); the development of Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (DTTP); Train as you fight; Embedded Training (both individual and collective); Course of Action Development and Analysis; Mission Planning and Rehearsal; and Execution Monitoring. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) systems have standardized on certain protocols and architectures for interoperability, such as the High Level Architecture (HLA). Within the Department of Defense (DoD), the C4ISR community is also moving to standardize on the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) and the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE). These interoperability efforts, as well as efforts within the DoD and the international community to standardize message formats and develop common M&S and C4I data models may if the appropriate standards are identified and developed significantly enhance efforts to link M&S and C4ISR systems. However, a robust two-way dialog is required.