Some Problems Connected with High-Speed Compression-Ignition Engine Development

This paper was read by Mr. Dicksee on the occasion of the second Joint iMeeting of eleven Scientific Institutions, as follows:— The Chemical Engineering Group, the Diesel Engine Users' Association, the Institute of Fuel, the Institute of Marine Engineers, the Institution of Automobile Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Petroleum Technologists, the Junior Institution of Engineers, the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, the Royal Aeronautical Society, and the Society of Engineers.Following last year's precedent, the Chair was taken by Mr. Tookey, President of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, who introduced Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton as Chairman for the meeting.Mr. Chorlton gave it as his opinion that meetings of this nature must be exceedingly valuable as a means of expressing to the nation a combined technical opinion which must have far more weight than an expression of more individual character. He suggested that a continuation of the practi...