Validity Issues in the Use of Pictorial Likert Scales

Likert scale assessments using pictures as anchor (e.g., smiley faces) are often used in the assessment of young children or non-readers; however, teachers and researchers seldom consider the potential importance of the type of picture selected. Because data from such assessments may inform instruction or serve as the basis for research findings, validity issues surrounding the importance of the picture selected may be informative. In this study, 136 first and third grade elementary school students were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 versions of a short reading attitudinal instrument with response scales indicated by differing pictures (i.e., sad/happy face, clouds/sun, and NO/YES). An ANOVA analysis was used to explore validity type of picture, grade, and gender. The findings of this study indicated that Likert scales using different pictures did not show variability in student responses.