Synthesizing arbitrary driving-point and transfer characteristics

The property of any two-terminal resistive device is characterized by its driving-point (DP) characteristic, and any two-port resistive device with zero input current and a load-independent output voltage is described by its transfer characteristic (TC). Synthesizing a two-port device with a prescribed transfer characteristic is usually easier than synthesizing a two-terminal device with a prescribed driving-point characteristic. In this paper we propose an approach to synthesize a driving-point characteristic of a two-terminal device from the transfer characteristic of a two-port device, so that the resulting DP plot of the two-terminal device is exactly the same as the TC plot of the two-port device. We also illustrate the use of digital circuitry to synthesize arbitrary transfer characteristics. This technique will benefit the design and analysis of complex nonlinear electronic circuits and systems. A variety of characteristics synthesized using this approach are presented.