유동화 콘크리트를 이용한 PC 타일 선붙임 공법의 적용성에 관한 실험적 연구
In response to the necessity of strengthening the competitiveness and technological power, and the shortage of manpower in the domestic construction industry, which are resulting from the rapidly changing construction environment and the opening of the construction market, dry process and assembly process adopted more often by relation to construction materials and method. As a result, outer finishing materials applied to buildings are using PC for the curtain walls of outer walls and some buildings adopted the tile PC and tile. The objectives of the present study were to solve problems in PC tile pre-bonding method using ordinary concrete by adopting the liquefaction method in manufacturing PC to which the tile pre-bonding method is applied, to find the optimal mix proportion of high workable concrete for manufacturing PC of a normal strength through basic experiments, and to provide basic information for the practical use of the tile pre-bonding method, which uses flowing concrete, through manufacturing a complex body based on the optimal mix proportion. For these purposes, this study compared the tensile bond strength of the tile pre-bonding method, which is mainly employed in manufacturing PC, with that of the after-fixing method, which is generally employed in construction fields, and compared steam curing with open air curing, which are commonly used in PC factories.