Roentgen study of urethrovesical relationships in female urinary stress incontinence.
This report is based upon comparative roentgen studies of the female urethra and bladder in three distinct groups. Group 1 was made up of normal non-parous women. The patients of group 2 had no urinary complaints but did show varying degrees of relaxation of the support of the lower urinary tract as the result of parturition. Group 3 was composed of patients complaining of urinary stress incontinence. Two phases of bladder physiology were investigated—resting and straining. Both anteroposterior and lateral roentgenograms were taken, and, when operation was performed, preoperative and postoperative urethrocystograms were studied. A modified urethrocystographic technic was used, which furnished excellent contrast in both the lateral and anteroposterior views. It had the further advantages of simplicity, accuracy of detail, and avoidance of distortion. This procedure required the cooperation of the Departments of Gynecology and Radiology. The patient was prepared for roentgen examination in the gynecological...