Worlds of Production: The Action Frameworks of the Economy
Theorizing Economic Diversity and Economic Action Action and Diversity versus Models of Growth Possible Worlds of Production Firms, Profits, Work, and Innovation Situating Firms in Worlds of Production Worlds of Production in Three Countries Identifying Real Worlds of Production in France, Italy, and the United States France: Innovative Real Worlds of Fashion and High Technology Italy: Interpersonal Action and the Division of Labor California High Technology: The Intellectual World in a Market Context Selection, Stability, and Transformation of Real Worlds of Production Institutions, States, and the Coordination of Real Worlds States and Institutions as Conventions State Intervention: A Critique of the French Case Competitiveness, Sutuated States, and Real Worlds in Three Countries Conventions, Economic Action, and Institutions A Critique of Contemporary Institutialism Towards a Theory of Conventions, Economic Action, and Economic Development Notes References Name Index Subject Index
[1] W. Diebold,et al. The Second Industrial Divide , 1985 .