Educational design and cognitive science

Contents: Preface. J.R. Anderson, C.D. Schunn, Implications of the ACT-R Learning Theory: No Magic Bullets. The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, Adventures in Anchored Instruction: Lessons From Beyond the Ivory Tower. R. Lehrer, L. Schauble, Modeling in Mathematics and Science. M.T.H. Chi, Self-Explaining: The Dual Processes of Generating Inference and Repairing Mental Models. S.P. Gott, A.M. Lesgold, Competence in the Workplace: How Cognitive Performance Models and Situated Instruction Can Accelerate Skill Acquisition. V.L. Patel, D.R. Kaufman, J.F. Arocha, Conceptual Change in the Biomedical and Health Sciences Domain.