Hybrid Active PowerFilter forpowerquality compensation

This paperpresents ahybrid active powerfilterelectromagnetic interference, lowervoltage stress ofpower toachieve powerquality compensation. Thereisapassivesemiconductors andlower acoustic noise. filter andanactive powerfilter intheadopted system. The A hybrid active powerfilter ispresented toachieve passive powerfilter isusedtofilter theloworder harmonic currents elimination, reactive powercompensation harmonic current withlarge powerrating. Theactiveandneutral line current suppression. Intheadopted hybrid powerfilter withlowpowerrating isusedtofilter the active filter there isapassive powerfilter withhighpower other highorder harmonics. Therefore thecost ofhybridrating tofilter theloworder harmonics andoneactive filter active powerfilter ismuchlower thanshunt active power withlowpower rating tofilter theother highorder harmonics. filter. Theneutral point diode clamped inverter isoperatedTheneutral point diode clamped (NPC)topology isusedinthe asanactive powerfilter toachieve compensated currentactive filter to reducethevoltage rating ofpower tracking. A dc-link voltage controller andaphaselockedsemiconductors. Thevoltage stress ofpowersemiconductors loopcircuit areusedinthesystemtogenerate the equals half theDCbusvoltage. Therefore theadopted hybrid reference linecurrents. Thehysteresis comparators are active filter haslower cost, lowvoltage stress andhighsystem adopted totrack current commands. Experimental resultsperformance. Theclassical proportional-integral controller is based onalaboratory prototype areprovided toverify the usedtoobtain theamplitude ofline current commands. The effectiveness ofthecontrol scheme. hysteresis current controller isusedintheinner loopto achieve line current commands tracking. Experimental results Keywords-active power filter, passive power filter, power qualityareprovided toverify theeffectiveness oftheproposed control compensator strategy.