Tailoring spatio-temporal dynamics with DNA circuits

Biological organisms process information through the use of complex reaction networks. These can bea great source of inspiration for the tailoring of dynamic chemical systems. Using basic DNA biochemistry–the DNA-toolbox– modeled after the cell regulatory processes, we explore the construction ofspatio-temporal dynamics from the bottom-up.First, we design a monitoring technique of DNA hybridization by harnessing a usually neglectedinteraction between the nucleobases and an attached fluorophore. This fluorescence technique –calledN-quenching– proves to be an essential tool to monitor and troubleshoot our dynamic reaction circuits.We then go on a journey to the roots of the DNA-toolbox, aiming at defining the best design rulesat the sequence level. With this experience behind us, we tackle the construction of reaction circuitsdisplaying bistability. We link the bistable behavior to a topology of circuit, which asks for specificDNA sequence parameters. This leads to a robust bistable circuit that we further use to explore themodularity of the DNA-toolbox. By wiring additional modules to the bistable function, we make twolarger circuits that can be flipped between states: a two-input switchable memory, and a single-inputpush-push memory. Because all the chemical parameters of the DNA-toolbox are easily accessible,these circuits can be very well described by quantitative mathematical modeling. By iterating thismodular approach, it should be possible to construct even larger, more complex reaction circuits: eachsuccess along this line will prove our good understanding of the underlying design rules, and eachfailure may hide some still unknown rules to unveil.Finally, we propose a simple method to bring DNA-toolbox made reaction circuits from zerodimensional,well-mixed conditions, to a two-dimensional environment allowing both reaction anddiffusion. We run an oscillating reaction circuit in two-dimensions and, by locally perturbing it, areable to provoke the emergence of traveling and spiral waves. This opens up the way to the building ofcomplex, tailor-made spatiotemporal patterns.

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