Situation Cognitive in Adjustable Autonomy System Theory and Application

Situation cognitive in adjustable autonomous system aims to communicate mission assessment to unmanned vehicle or human, to make adjustable autonomy system know what the situation is currently, what needs to be done in the present situation, and how the risk of task is in the present situation. The contribution of this paper is presenting the Situation Cognitive Module (SCM) for adjustable autonomous system, which encapsulates event detection, threat assessment and situation reason. The paper concludes by demonstrating the benefits of the SCM in a real-world scenario. A situation cognitive simulation in an Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) while performing a complicated mission. The method presented in this paper represents a new SCM to cognitive the situation for adjustable autonomous system. While the results presented in the paper are based on fuzzy logic and Bayesian network methodology. The results of this paper can be applicable to land, sea and air robotics in adjustable autonomous system.