The Graphic Representation of Biological Knowledge: Integrating Words and Images

The key question addressed in this study was: ‘Can biology textbooks be improved so that students are more successful in integrating words and images?’ This research indicates that learning from college biology textbooks can be enhanced by replacing traditional expository text accompanied by single, captioned, prototypical micrographic images with expository-narrative text integrated with small-multiple micrographic images. Performance on a posttest calling for identification of transmission electron micrographs of unknown cells as either prokaryotes or eukaryotes, circling the cell nuclei on unfamiliar micrographs depicting either prokaryotes or eukaryotes, and applying the town-city analogy to unfamiliar micrographs was used to assess learning outcomes. Students using the experimental approach outperformed those using a traditional textbook approach. The learning gains detected were predicted using Ausubelian learning theory.