Art and architecture

There are six programs within the College of Art and Architecture: Architecture, Bioregional Planning and Community Design, Interior Architecture and Design, Art and Design, Landscape Architecture, and Virtual Technology and Design. Each program represents unique disciplines that are integrated throughout their curriculum, research and service mission. All undergraduate students majoring in any of the programs in art and architecture (architecture, interior architecture and design, art and design landscape architecture and virtual technology and design) are required to take the three classes that comprise the College Foundation Program.

[1]  A. Souter,et al.  Pelagius's expositions of thirteen Epistles of St. Paul , 1922 .

[2]  Johannes Divjak Les Lettres de saint Augustin découvertes par Johannes Divjak : communications présentées au colloque des 20 et 21 septembre 1982 , 1983 .

[3]  L. S. King The double face of Janus and other essays in the history of medicine , 1977, Medical History.

[4]  A. Birley The People of Roman Britain , 1980 .

[5]  E. Rawson,et al.  Intellectual Life in the Late Roman Republic , 1985 .

[6]  R. Syme The Imperial Finances under Domitian, Nerva and Trajan , 1930, Journal of Roman Studies.

[7]  Hildegard Temporini,et al.  Roman Galatia: The Governors from 25 B.C. to A.D. 114 , 1980 .

[8]  Garth Fowden The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind , 1986 .

[9]  K. Bradley On the Roman Slave supply and Slavebreeding , 1987 .

[10]  R. Kearsley Asiarchs, Archiereis , and the Archiereiai of Asia , 1986 .

[11]  D. Gurney Settlement, Religion and Industry on the Fen-Edge; three Romano-British sites in Norfolk , 1986 .

[12]  V. Maxfield Pre-Flavian Forts and their Garrisons , 1986, Britannia.


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[17]  M. Grant,et al.  Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and Rome. , 1989 .

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[19]  Stephen A. Stertz Pseudo-Aristides, EiΣ BaΣIΛea , 1979, The Classical Quarterly.

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[22]  G. Charles-Picard La civilisation de l'afrique romaine , 1960 .

[23]  P. Veyne Le pain et le cirque : sociologie historique d'un pluralisme politique , 1976 .

[24]  J. Percival The Roman Villa: An Historical Introduction , 1977 .

[25]  E. A. Thompson The historical work of Ammianus Marcellinus , 1947 .

[26]  R. Syme,et al.  Emperors and biography , 1971 .


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[30]  H. Brennecke Studien zur Geschichte der Homöer : der Osten bis zum Ende der homöischen Reichskirche , 1988 .

[31]  Paul M. M. Leunissen Conventions of Patronage in Senatorial Careers under the Principate , 1993 .

[32]  Javier Aquilué Abadías Las reformas augusteas y su repercusión en los asentamientos urbanos del nordeste peninsular , 1984 .

[33]  J. André,et al.  Les écoles philosophiques aux deux premiers siècles de l'Empire , 1987 .

[34]  P. Garnsey Where did Italian peasants live? , 1979, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society.

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[36]  A. Wallace-Hadrill Suetonius, the scholar and his Caesars , 1983 .

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[38]  L. Foxhall The Dependent Tenant: Land Leasing and Labour in Italy and Greece , 1990, Journal of Roman Studies.

[39]  H. Drijvers JEWS AND CHRISTIANS AT EDESSA , 1985 .

[40]  K. Coleman Launching into History: Aquatic Displays in the Early Empire , 1993, Journal of Roman Studies.

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[45]  T. S. Burns,et al.  A History of the Ostrogoths , 1984 .

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[48]  H. Böhme Germanische Grabfunde des 4. bis 5. Jahrhunderts zwischen unterer Elbe und Loire : Studien zur Chronologie und Bevölkerungsgeschichte , 1974 .

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[50]  P. Walsh The Roman Novel , 1970 .

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[64]  M. Crawford Italy and Rome from Sulla to Augustus , 1996 .

[65]  Pierre Nautin 49. La storiografia ecclesiastica nella tarda antichità. Atti del Convegno Tenuto in Erice (3-8. XII. 1978), sous la direction de S. Calderone , 1981 .

[66]  M. Golden Demography and the Exposure of Girls at Athens , 1981 .

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[68]  Robert Hannah,et al.  Praevolante nescio qua ingenti humana specie … a reassessment of the Winged Genius on the base of the Antonine Column , 1989, Papers of the British School at Rome.

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[85]  P. Brown St. Augustine's Attitude to Religious Coercion , 1964, Journal of Roman Studies.

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[92]  C. Walter Expressionism and Hellenism : A Note on Stylistic Tendencies in Byzantine Figurative Art from Spätantike to the Macedonian " Renaissance " , 1984 .

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[96]  Hildegard Temporini,et al.  Roman Imperial Portraiture from Augustus to Gallienus , 1981 .

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[99]  S. Robinson The Apocalypse of Adam , 1977 .

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