On signed edge domination numbers of graphs

Abstract Given a graph G=(V,E) , if e=uv∈E , then the closed edge-neighbourhood of e is denoted by N[e]={u′v′∈E|u′=u or v′=v} . A function f : E→{+1,−1} is called the signed edge domination function (SEDF) of G if ∑ e′∈N[e] f(e′)⩾1 for every e∈E . The signed edge domination number γ s ′(G) of G is defined as γ s ′(G)= min {∑ e∈E f(e) | f is an SEDF of G} . Let Ψ(m)= min {γ s ′(H)|H is a graph with |E(H)|=m} . In this paper, we determine the exact value of Ψ(m) for each positive integer m . That is: Ψ(m)=2 1 3 24m+25 +6m+5 6 −m, where ⌈x⌉ denotes the ceiling of x . In addition, we also characterize all connected graphs G with γ s ′(G)=|E(G)| .