Measurements and characterization in photovoltaics: Lessons learned for TPV
The NREL measurements and characterization activities, with origins in the late 1970s, have evolved with and within the DOE Photovoltaics Program—specifically to support that effort. These centralized facilities, established for reasons of technical and economical advantages for the program, have included four major functions or approaches: (1) analytical measurement service; (2) standardized evaluations (performance through materials); (3) collaborative research; and, (4) measurement technique development. Each of these are described in terms of their importance and contributions to program and project support. The current facilities and activities are highlighted, and the growth and change of these support efforts are historically delineated. The evolution and contributions of these laboratories to photovoltaics provide some lessons and models for the emerging TPV program. The utility of centralized measurement and characterization functions for technology development is assessed in terms of methods of ...