The Principles and practice of rhinology : a text on the diseases and surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses
BASIC TOPICS: Anatomy of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses Microbiology of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses General Concepts in Immunology for the Rhinologist Embryology of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses and Resultant Deformities Relation of Food Allergy to Nasal Symptoms Immunology of Allergy for the Rhinologist SURGERY OF THE NOSE AND PARANASAL SINUSES: Epistaxis Nasal Obstruction: The Nasal Septum and Inferior Turbinates Intranasal Sphenoethmoidectomy and Antrostomy Microsurgical Sphenoethmoidectomy Lateral Rhinotomy SPECIAL TOPICS: Anatomy and Surgery of the Pterygopalatine Fossa Odontogenic Lesions of the Maxilla and Paranasal Sinuses Index.