Fibrous dysplasia of facial bone and paranasal sinuses.

THE SUBJECT of this paper is the relationship of the paranasal sinuses and fibrous dysplasia. It is likely that all the paranasal sinuses may be involved by fibrous dysplasia, although, to my knowledge, there is no complete case report concerning the sphenoid sinus. Only Mayer 1 mentions the x-ray findings of the sphenoid sinus in a patient who apparently suffered from fibrous dysplasia. However, since the sphenoid sinus is not as easily accessible as the other sinuses, it is likely that it has not infrequently escaped clinical investigation. This, however, does not indicate that fibrous dysplasia necessarily originates in any of the sinuses. Several authors emphasize that the disease prefers the membrane bones of the face. The ethmoid sinus and the sphenoid sinus, however, develop in a bone which is preceded by cartilage. At present, it cannot be stated whether or not in fibrous dysplasia of the ethmoid sinus the