Implementation of radiological information systems (RIS) and picture archiving and communicating systems (PACS) results in significant changes of workflow in a radiological department. Additional connection with flat-panel detectors leads to a shortening of the work process. RIS and PACS implementation alone reduces the complete workflow by 21-80%. With flatpanel technology the image production process is further shortened by 25-30%. The workflow-steps are changed from original 17-12 with the implementation of RIS and PACS and to 5 with the integrated use of flatpanels. This clearly recognizable advantages in the workflow need an according financial investment. Several studies could show that the capitalisation-factor calculated over eight years is positive, with a gain range between 5-25%. Whether the additional implementation of flatpanel detectors results also in a positive capitalisation over the years, cannot be estimated exactly, at the moment, because the experiences are too short. Particularly critical are the interfaces, which needs a constant quality control. Our flatpanel detector-system is fixed, special images--as we have them in about 3-5% of all cases--need still conventional filmscreen or phosphorplate-systems. Full-spine and long-leg examinations cannot be performed with sufficient exactness. Without any questions implementation of integrated RIS, PACS and flatpanel detector-system needs excellent training of the employees, because of the changes in workflow etc. The main profits of such an integrated implementation are an increase in quality in image and report datas, easier handling--there are almost no more cassettes necessary--and excessive shortening of workflow.