Current Research at the U.S. Naval Biodynamics Laboratory on Human Whole-Body Motion and Vibration.

Abstract : This report provides an overview of recent, ongoing, and planned whole-body motion and vibration research at the Naval Biodynamics Laboratory. Three interrelated efforts are reviewed: (1) Performance Evaluation Tests for Environmental Research; (2) the development of experimental paradigms and statistical methodologies; and (3) identification of vibration effects on performance. Three studies in which performance tasks were administered under various levels of vibration are summarized. A program to assess human whole-body vibration effects is under way at the Naval Biodynamics Laboratory (NBDL). This program, together with affiliated ship-motion and impact-acceleration programs, is directed at establishing correlations between psychological, physiological, and biodynamic (inertial) responses of human volunteer subjects. Mechanical input forces of interest across programs ar the kind experienced in ship and aircraft crewstations. Recent research has been directed at the developement of experimental paradigms, statistical methodologies, and strategic plans for systematic explorations of pertinent parameters of the motion environment. Results of th vibration program suggest: using repeated measures methodologies; (2) experimental focus on mechanical interference with input (e.g., visual) and output (e.g., motor) processes; and (3) study of the nature of performance changes during repeated and longer-term exposures. Ongoing and future research efforts are aimed at these recommendations. (Author)