Ion regulatory function of the human kidney in prolonged space flights.

Ten cosmonauts, who performed 30-175-day space flights aboard Salyut-4 and Salyut-6, and over 60 test subjects who were exposed to bed rest of up to 182 days and immersion of up to 56 days, were examined. The renal excretion of potassium and calcium increased, reaching a maximum by the 4-6th weeks in prolonged space flights and simulation studies. During the load tests with potassium and calcium salt, excretion postflight was much higher than preflight. During potassium chloride load tests a positive correlation between the blood content of aldosterone and potassium excretion existed, whereas during calcium lactate load tests an increased calcium excretion was accompanied by a decrease in blood parathyroid hormone concentration. The most probable cause of the negative ion balance in weightlessness is the reduced capacity of tissues to retain electrolytes due to the decreased ion pool capacity. Different exercises have been shown to exert a beneficial effect on electrolyte metabolism.