Radio Bursts from the Solar Corona

III, type II, and moving type IV bursts-and the role they play in the flare phe­ nomenon. Considerable progress has been made in the understanding of these bursts during the last decade, owing to the introduction of interplanetary and new forms of ground-ba sed observa tions, and to developments in plasma theory. By so restricting the field, we have omitted some important t opic s , notably the whole class of microwave bursts and their relation to X-ray emission, a sub­ ject wel l covered in reviews by Takakura (1967, 19 69); also omitted are the deci­ meter wave bursts and the long-wave continuum and storm radiation from sta­ tionary sources in the corona, still bare ly understood. Dur ing the period under review books dealing extensively with the subject of solar bursts have been published