후행결속(Backward Binding)과 비명시논항(Implicit Argument)
This paper is concerned with how to account for the backward binding phenomena in psych-predicates. The backward binding can be structurally explained if we make the following two assumptions: first, the bindee is generated in the c-domain of the binder and second, the bindee moves across the binder. Unfortunately, however, the two assumptions contradict each other, since the bindee cannot cross over the binder in accordance with the Minimal Link Condition (MLC). The upshot of the problem is that interleaving movement is required in order to structurally account for the backward binding, but it is not permitted by the MLC. In this paper I claim that the interleaving movement approach is not a viable option since it does not conform to the MLC, claiming that the backward binding takes place on account of the implicit argument via λ-conversion. That is, this paper provides a semantic account for the backward binding in psych-predicates, after pointing out that the interleaving movement approach is on the wrong tract. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)