American Heart Association Childhood Obesity Research Summit Report.

I. The Problem: Childhood Obesity—A Burgeoning Epidemic e490II. Childhood Obesity Research Summit.........e490III. Pathophysiology and Morbidity ofChildhood Obesity e490A. Pathophysiology of Obesity e490B. Medical Consequences of Childhood Obesity. . .e490C. Psychosocial and Societal Consequences ofChildhood Obesity e490IV. Current Healthcare Practices in ChildhoodObesity Prevention and Treatment e492A. Lifestyle Assessment: Diet and Physical Activity . . . .e492B. Clinical Assessment e493C. Psychosocial/Behavioral Assessment .......e493D. Implementing Effective Prevention andTreatment Options: Diet e494E. Implementing Effective Prevention and TreatmentOptions: Exercise and Sedentary Behaviors . . . .e495F. Implementing Effective Prevention TreatmentOptions: Family and Behavioral Approaches . . .e496G. Behavioral Management e497H. Medical and Pharmacological Management. . . .e497I. Surgical Management e498V. Barriers to Optimum Care e498A. Healthcare System Factors e4981. Preparedness of Providers e4982. Models of Coverage and Care e4993. Uninsurance and Underinsurance AmongChildren and Families e5004. Healthcare Providers and Settings asRole Models e500B. The Challenge of Behavior Change ........e5011. Motivational Interviewing for Pediatric Obesity. .e5012. Psychosocial Factors InfluencingBehavior Change e5023. Environmental Factors InfluencingBehavioral Change e503VI. Practice-Based Resources for Preventionand Management e503A. Models From Other Disciplines e5031. Adult Chronic Care Model e5032. Treatment of Heart Failure e5043. Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus .....e5044. Treatment of Childhood Asthma.........e505B. Public Health Measures forChildhood Obesity e5061. Tobacco Control: Implications forChildhood Obesity e506C. Specific Research Issues e5061. Specifying Priorities in the Context of aComplex, Multifactorial Problem ........e5062. Taking a Developmental Approach .......e5073. Engaging Stakeholders e5074. Targeting the Appropriate Outcome .......e508VII. Research Challenges e509A. Research in the Busy Practice e509B. Bring Research Into Practices: Web-BasedAssessment for the PediatricObesity Clinic e509C. Research Agenda: NHLBI and thePediatric Heart Network e510D. Research Agenda: The Children’sOncology Group e510E. Research Agenda: CDC e511F. Research Agenda: Foundations e511VIII. Research and Policy: KnowledgeTranslation e512A. From Practice to Policy to Practice ........e512IX. Concluding Remarks e512Appendix A: Planning Committee e513Appendix B: Presenters e513

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