Data-Requirements Specification to Support BIM-Based HVAC-Definitions in Modelica

Recent developments in Building Information Model (BIM) capable software are leading to increased interoperability among heterogeneous tools. The results are representing greater levels of data available for all stakeholders involved in the building-industry. The increasing range of data within BIMs enables the reuse of data for downstream applications such as Building Energy Performance Simulation (BEPS). Current BEPStools work well in many modeling scenarios, but fail to support innovative and flexible model configurations due to existing tool limitations. Modelica is an object-oriented, equation-based programming language used for detailed dynamic simulation purposes across different industries. The use of Modelica in the building-industry is increasing and it is a promising and flexible tool to provide modeling solutions addressing the upcoming challenges in the building-industry and beyond. This paper illustrates a method of using BIM based information as the primary data source for a flexible simulation application. It includes an implementation for a defined generic use case.