The InterPacific project (Intercomparison of methods for site parameter and velocity profile characterization) aims to assess the reliability of seismic site characterization methods (borehole and surface wave methods) used for estimating shear wave velocity (VS) profiles and other related parameters (e.g., VS30). Three sites, representative of different geological conditions relevant for the evaluation of seismic site response effects, have been selected: (1) a hard rock outcrop, (2) a deep soft deposit, and (3) an intermediate case with thick stiff soils and a velocity inversion and large bedrock depth. Two to three boreholes have been drilled at these sites and various companies were invited to perform in-hole measurements (cross-hole, down-hole and PS-logging). Both active and passive surface wave data were also collected. All of them located in the vicinity of the boreholes to facilitate the robust comparison between results from the invasive and non-invasive methods. The same experimental non-invasive datasets, without any prior information about the sites, were provided to the different teams, which were asked to retrieve the Vs profiles while working on the preferred subset of available experimental data. For surface wave methods, results indicate that the dispersion curves provided by the participants were in very good agreement with each other. Inverted Vs profiles were also found to be very consistent with respect to the known reliable resolution depth ranges of these techniques. Results obtained from invasive methods show a variability of VS estimates on the same order as about the variability of Vs estimates obtained from non-invasive methods. We also delivered guidelines to recommend good practices for non-expert users. These guidelines provide practical indications on the acquisition and analysis of surface wave data by reviewing basic principles and providing specific suggestions related to common situations. The guidelines are primarily targeted to non-expert users applying surface wave testing techniques, but can be useful to specialists in the field as a general reference guide. These guidelines, however, cannot be a substitute for experience in surface wave analyses; rather, they provide a common reference to establish the necessary dialogue between the service provider and the end-user of the results. The guidelines are based on the experience gained within the InterPacific project and on the expertise of the participants in acquisition and analysis of surface wave data.