Effect of an Interior-Panel on the Structure-Borne Sound Radiation

Abstract The sound radiation from a double-leaf elastic plate subjected to a point force excitation is investigated theoretically, to gain a fundamental insight into the sound radiation from an interior panel of a double-leaf structure in buildings. The effects of the interior panel on the sound radiation, which show a negative effect at low frequencies due to the mass–air–mass resonance, are discussed in detail. The theory is validated experimentally. As a measure of the efficiency of the interior leaf in reducing noise radiation, the radiation reduction is defined in this study, and it is found useful for predicting the sound radiation due to the structure-borne sound in building elements. Parametric studies through theoretical results are made to clarify the effects of the parameters of the sound radiation system, and to gain a fundamental insight into the control of structure-borne noise radiation. It is shown that it is difficult to reduce the radiated sound power by an interior panel alone, even if its mass is increased.