Phytoecological Study of Selected Wetlands in Southern Bulgaria

The floristic composition of vascular plants of three moisture zones, along the river Maritsa “Rice-field Plovdiv”, protected zone (PZ) “Rice-field Tsalapitsa” and protected area (PA) “Martvitsata Zlato Pole“, was described in terms of phytogeographic elements, biological spectrum, conservation value and anthropogenic impact. The predominant floristic elements in the three areas were European-Asiatic (Eur-As) and European-Mediterranean (Eur-Med). The biological spectrum was limited to 3 life forms: predominant Therophytes (Th), followed by Hemicryptophytes (H) and a small percentage – Phanerophytes (Ph). Fifteen of the identified species have conservation status and they are included in the "IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" with the category "least concern". The anthropogenic impact on the floristic composition of the three areas was expressed in the presence of a large number of weed, ruderal, alien and invasive species.