McGovern, R.H., Feddes, J.J.R., Zuidhof, M.J., Hanson, J.A. and Robinson, F.E.. 2001. Growth performance, heart characteristics and the incidence of ascites in broilers in response to carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations. Canadian Biosystems Engineering/Le genie des biosystemes au Canada 43:4.1-4.6. The effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) concentrations on growth performance, heart characteristics and the incidence of ascites were studied in two similar experiments. In experiment 1, 600 male broilers were subjected to LOW CO2 treatment (600 ppm CO2 and 20.9% O2 at wk 0; increasing to 2500 ppm CO2 and decreasing to 20.65% O2 at wk 6) and 600 male broilers were subjected to HIGH CO2 treatment (6000 ppm CO2 and 19.7% O2 at wk 0; decreasing to 2500 ppm CO2 and increasing to 20.65% O2 at wk 6). In this experiment, final body mass and total feed consumption were not different between the two treatments. The birds in the LOW CO2 treatment pens did not have a reduced ascites score compared to the birds in the HIGH CO2 treatment, however, the right ventricle area (RVA) was significantly reduced at the lower level of CO2 exposure from 0.50 to 0.47 cm2 suggesting an increased stress on the heart as a result of ascites in the high CO2 treatment. In Experiment 2, 300 male broilers were subjected to the LOW CO2 treatment (600 ppm CO2 and 20.9% O2 at wk 0; increasing to 2500 ppm CO2 and decreasing to 20.65% O2 at wk 6) and 300 male broilers to HIGH CO2 treatment (6000 ppm CO2 and 19.65% O2 at wk 0; at 6000 ppm CO2 and increasing to 20.3% O2 at wk 5 and decreasing to 2500 ppm CO2 and increasing to 20.65% O2 at wk 6). In this experiment, body mass and rates of gain were the same for both treatments. With the more extreme exposure, there was no difference between the ascites score, RVA, and right ventricle mass between the LOW CO2 and HIGH CO2 treatments. Mortality did not differ between the LOW CO2 and HIGH CO2 treatments in either experiment. Under recommended management practices, CO2 levels should not be a contributing factor to the incidence of ascites. Deux experiences similaires ont permis d’etudier les effets des concentrations de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) et d’oxygene (O2) sur le taux de croissance, les caracteristiques cardiaques et la frequence des ascites. Dans la premiere experience, 1 600 poulets a griller furent soumis a un traitement comportant de faibles concentrations de CO2 (600 ppm CO2 et 20.9% d’O2 durant la semaine 0, CO2 augmentant a 2500 ppm et O2 diminuant a 20.65% a la semaine 6), alors que 600 poulet a griller etaient soumis a un traitement comportant des concentrations elevees de CO2 (6 000 ppm CO2 et 19.7% d’O2 durant la semaine 0, CO2 diminuant a 2500 ppm et O2 augmentant a 20.65% a la semaine 6). Dans cette experience, il n’y eut pas de difference entre les traitements pour ce qui est de la masse corporelle finale et de la consommation totale d’aliments. La frequence des ascites chez les oiseaux ayant ete soumis au traitement comportant de faibles concentrations de CO2 n’etait pas moins elevee que chez les oiseaux ayant ete soumis au traitement comportant des concentrations elevees de CO2. Cependant, dans le traitement avec concentrations elevees de CO2, lors de l’exposition au taux de CO2 le plus faible, la superficie du ventricule droit (RVA) avait diminue de maniere significative, de 0.50 a 0.47 cm2, ce qui laisse supposer un stress accru sur le coeur cause par la presence d’ascite. Dans la deuxieme experience, 2300 poulets a griller furent soumis a un traitement comportant de faibles concentrations de CO2 (600 ppm CO2 et 20.9% d’O2 durant la semaine 0, CO2 augmentant a 2500 ppm et O2 diminuant a 20.65% a la semaine 6), alors que 300 poulet a griller etaient soumis a un traitement comportant des concentrations elevees de CO2 (6000 ppm CO2 et 19.65% d’O2 durant la semaine 0; 6000 ppm CO2 et O2 augmentant a 20.3% a la semaine 5; et CO2 diminuant a 2500 ppm et O2 augmentant a 20.65% a la semaine 6). Dans cette experience, la masse corporelle et le taux de croissance furent les memes pour les deux traitements. Lors des expositions les plus extremes, il n’y eut pas de difference entre les deux traitements pour ce qui est de la frequence des ascites, la superficie et la masse du ventricule droit. Les taux de mortalite furent les memes dans les deux traitements, que ce soit dans l’experience 1 ou 2. Lorsque des techniques d’exploitation recommandees sont suivies, le taux de CO2 ne devrait pas etre un facteur qui affecte la frequence des ascites.
J. J. R. Feddes,et al.
Feed Consumption as a Parameter for Establishing Minimum Ventilation Rates
J. Feddes,et al.
Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and the incidence of ascites in broilers in response to feed restriction and litter oiling.
Poultry science.
J. Feddes,et al.
Growth, carcass characteristics, and incidence of ascites in broilers exposed to environmental fluctuations and oiled litter.
Poultry science.
R. Julian.
Ascites in poultry.
Avian pathology : journal of the W.V.P.A.
R. Teeter,et al.
Bronchodilator, oxygen level, and temperature effects on ascites incidence in broiler chickens.
Poultry science.
A. Hernández.
Hypoxic ascites in broilers: a review of several studies done in Colombia.
Avian diseases.
G. Jones.
Response of broilers susceptible to ascites when grown in high and low oxygen environments.
British poultry science.
J. Feddes,et al.
Analysis of right ventricular areas to assess the severity of ascites syndrome in broiler chickens.
Poultry science.
N. Anthony,et al.
Effect of a urease inhibitor and ceiling fans on ascites in broilers. 2. Blood variables, ascites scores, and body and organ weights.
Poultry science.
F. Huchzermeyer,et al.
Pulmonary hypertension syndrome associated with ascites in broilers
Veterinary Record.
R. Teeter,et al.
Effect of oxygen level on ascites incidence and performance in broiler chicks.
Avian diseases.
N. Anthony,et al.
Effect of a urease inhibitor and ceiling fans on ascites in broilers. 1. Environmental variability and incidence of ascites.
Poultry science.