Automated ECG classification using a non-local convolutional block attention module

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Recent advances in deep learning have been applied to ECG detection and obtained great success. The spatial and temporal information from ECG signals is fused by combining convolutional neural networks (CNN) with recurrent neural network (RNN). However, these networks ignore the different contribution of local and global segments of a feature map extracted from the ECG and the correlation relationship between the above two segments. To address this issue, a novel convolutional neural network with non-local convolutional block attention module(NCBAM) is proposed to automatically classify ECG heartbeats. METHODS Our proposed method consists of a 33-layer CNN architecture followed by a NCBAM module. Initially, preprocessed electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are fed into the CNN architecture to extract the spatial and channel features. Further, long-range dependencies of representative features along spatial and channel axis are captured by non-local attention. Finally, the spatial, channel and temporal information of ECG are fused by a learned matrix. The learned matrix is to mine rich relationship information across the above three types of information to make up for the different contribution. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION The proposed method achieves an average F1 score of 0.9664 on MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, as well as AUC of 0.9314 and Fmax of 0.8507 on PTB-XL ECG database. Compared with the state-of-the-art attention mechanism based on the same public database, NCBAM achieves an obvious improvement in classifying ECG heartbeats. The results demonstrate the proposed method is reliable and efficient for ECG beat classification.

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