Hydrologic resource assessment of upper Sabino Creek basin, Pima county, Arizona

This study would not have been possible without the assistance of several individuals. Michael Stanley, Operations Manager of the Mt. Lemon Cooperative Water Company provided us with complete access to his files and records. Special thanks to: Bob Lefevre (U.S. Forest Service, Coronado National Forest), Andrew Wigg (Pima Country Flood Control Distric), Steve Hensel (Coronado National Forest), Gerald Gottfried (U.S.F.S. Rocky Mountain Research Station), and Peter Ffolliott (University of Arizona School of Renewable Natural Resources); all of whom helped make this study possible by sharing data and offering many helpful suggestions. Chuck Dickens, president of Groundwater Resources Consultants, allowed CJP to maintain a flexible schedule and balance the demands of school and employment. Shel Clark and Alan Cuddy of GWRC made suggestions, answered questions, and took the time to read the first draft. We appreciate the assistance provided by other HWR students, particularly Anne Kramer -Huth, Tom Meixner, and Chris Gutmann. Hans Huth was of great assistance with the GIS aspects of this project. Carrie Teague helped prepare the maps. Jessica Novak provided encouragement, support and motivation.