International Space Law Applicability in Indian Perspective

India is party to all space treaties developed by the United Nations (for Moon Agreement, India has signed but not ratified). Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is a member of Interagency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) participated by major space agencies. United Nation Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) can formulate and draft various treaties, conventions and agreements that essentially became the corpus of International Law on outer space. International space law applicable to the country involves National and International rules, guidelines, procedures, regulations and treaties for governing all space related activities. Indian is one of the leading world powers in space technology at present. Legal issues are important with respect to launch services, satellite telecommunication, satellite broadcasting, earth observation (Remote Sensing), satellite data processing and distribution, navigational systems, intellectual property rights etc for application of customary practices. Incorporation of Remote Sensing data policy, satcom policy, telecom policy, mapping policy is visualized for Indian space activities.