High-order numerical diffusion is commonly used in numerical models to provide scale selective control over small-scale noise. Conventional high-order schemes have undesirable side effects, however: they can introduce noise themselves. Two types of monotonic high-order diffusion schemes are proposed. One is based on flux correction/limiting on the corrective fluxes, which is the difference between a high-order (fourth order and above) diffusion scheme and a lower-order (typically second order) one. Overshooting and undershooting found in the solutions of higher-order diffusions near sharp gradients are prevented, while the highly selective property of damping is retained. The second simpler (flux limited) scheme simply ensures that the diffusive fluxes are always downgradient; otherwise, the fluxes are set to zero. This much simpler scheme yields as good a solution in 1D cases as and better solutions in 2D than the one using the first more elaborate flux limiter. The scheme also preserves monotonicity in the solutions and is computational much more efficient. The simple flux-limited fourth- and sixth-order diffusion schemes are also applied to thermal bubble convection. It is shown that overshooting and undershooting are consistently smaller when the flux-limited version of the high-order diffusion is used, no matter whether the advection scheme is monotonic or not. This conclusion applies to both scalar and momentum fields. Higher-order monotonic diffusion works better and even more so when used together with monotonic advection.
W. H. Raymond.
High-Order Low-Pass Implicit Tangent Filters for Use in Finite Area Calculations
B. Hoskins.
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A. Robert.
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The stability of time-split numerical methods for the hydrostatic and the nonhydrostatic elastic equations
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The Simulation of Three-Dimensional Convective Storm Dynamics
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Selective Damping in a Galerkin Method for Solving Wave Problems with Variable Grids
G. J. Haltiner.
Numerical Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology
Ralph Shapiro,et al.
Smoothing, filtering, and boundary effects
S. Zalesak.
Fully multidimensional flux-corrected transport algorithms for fluids
Jay P. Boris,et al.
Flux-corrected transport. I. SHASTA, a fluid transport algorithm that works