Polyamine conjugate levels and ethylene biosynthesis: inverse relationship with vegetative bud formation in tobacco thin layers

The effects of two inhibitors of polyamine (spermidine and spermine) biosynthesis, cyclohexylamine (CHA; 5 and 10 mM) and methylglyoxal(bis-guanylhydrazone) (MGBG; 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mM), on the organogenic response in vegetative bud-forming tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) thin layer explants were evaluated micro- and macroscopically at different times during culture. The final number of buds formed and the percentage of organogenic explants was significantly reduced by both inhibitors, but much more so by MGBG than CHA. This inhibitory effect was already evident in MGBG-treated explants on day 5, in terms of the number of meristemoids per explant. On the contrary, in the presence of CHA, the number of meristemoids on day 5 was higher than that in the controls. Between days 9 and 13, meristemoid formation slowed down considerably in inhibitor-treated explants compared with controls. On day 13, the number of bud primordia was similar in control and CHA-treated explants, but significantly lower in MGBG-treated explants. This inhibitor also induced peculiar cytohistological events, such as a reduced formation of oval-shaped cell aggregates on the explant surface and more frequent cases of nucleolar extrusion, while CHA led to the appearance of hypertrophic epidermal cells; callus formation at the basal end of the explant and xylogenesis were also affected by the inhibitors. Ethylene biosynthesis, measured as [ C]methionine incorporation, was stimulated 2- (day 2) to 3-fold (15 h) by 0.5 mM MGBG, whereas CHA (10 mM) had little effect and aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG; 0.1 μM), an ethylene synthesis inhibitor, was strongly inhibitory. In control explants, the incorporation of labelled methionine into ethylene and spermidine followed an inverse trend up to day 8. In these explants, free putrescine increased 32-fold and spermidine increased about 10-fold between days 0 and 8. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-soluble conjugated putrescine also accumulated dramatically during culture. While CHA provoked a decline in spermidine levels, MGBG caused an unexpected increase in free spermidine and spermine titres; however, its most conspicuous effect was on the further enhancement of putrescine conjugate accumulation, while CHA and AVG had the opposite effect. Results are discussed in view of establishing a putative link between MGBG-enhanced ethylene synthesis, increased conjugate titres and inhibition of meristemoid formation.

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