Damage Stability Evaluation in Collision of Bulk Carriers
This paper discusses the damage stability of generic bulk carriers following a collision. The damage stability is calculated and average survivability is estimated for the world fleet of bulk carriers using data from the HARDER project. Generic results have been compared to specific results using the HARDER approach. The average survivability given collision with water ingress of bulk carriers is also estimated based on records of recent bulk carrier accidents and it is demonstrated that the HARDER results are in general agreement with historic data. A simplified approach to estimate the conditional survivability using simple event trees is also presented. Furthermore, it is estimated that the introduction of double side skin on bulk carriers will enhance the survivability of bulk carriers with approximately 5 - 7.5 %. Finally, the longitudinal strength on bulk carriers is considered in relation to collisions, and it is concluded that the longitudinal strength is dimensioned by other flooding conditions already included in the rules.