건축구조물의 기초형식 선정을 위한 전문가 시스템 개발에 관한 연구(I) - 아파트건축물을 중심으로 ( An Expert System for Making Decision of Foundation Type of Apartment Building )

In the early stage of building construction, you can not overstress the importance of making an approciate selection of the optimal foundation type. The optimal foundation type that structure engineer selects in consideration of conditions of construction, loading, environmental and ground does not tend to be evaluated by nonprofessionals and builders before building construction. The unreasonable selection of optimal foundation type brings into being enconomical loss and social problems. The study is an expert system for making the decision of optimal foundation type of apartment building among the subjects, based on the related documents, knowledge and experience of experts who work in these fields. The system was applied to the field projects and the results are very satisfactory.