Electromechanical systems are characterized by interaction of electromagnetic fields with inertial bodies. Electromechanical interactions can be described by so-called constitutive equations.Constitutive equations describing the coupling of multibody dynamics with Kirchhoff‘s theory of electrical networks as a quasi stationaryapproximation of Maxwell‘s theory define discrete electromechanicalsystems, i.e. systems with a finite degree of freedom.Then, based on the principle of virtual work, motion equations can be obtained as Lagrange‘s equations in explicit form due to a unified approach. The motion equations can be generated automatically. Hence, all electromechanical interactions are correctly taken into account.Examples for a MAGLEV and a planar motor are given.
D. White,et al.
Electromechanical energy conversion
Herman E. Koenig,et al.
Electromechanical system theory
Sundaram Seshu,et al.
Linear Graphs and Electrical Networks
P. Maisser,et al.
Lagrange‐Formalismus für diskrete elektromechanische Systeme
P. Maisser.
Analytische Dynamik von Mehrkörpersystemen
Denny K. Miu.
Mechatronics : electromechanics and contromechanics
John B. Wronosky,et al.
Positioning performance of a maglev fine positioning system