Role of dynamical particle-vibration coupling in reconciliation of the d 3 / 2 puzzle for spherical proton emitters

It has been observed that decay rate for proton emission from $d_{3/2}$ single particle state is systematically quenched compared with the prediction of a one dimensional potential model although the same model successfully accounts for measured decay rates from $s_{1/2}$ and $h_{11/2}$ states. We reconcile this discrepancy by solving coupled-channels equations, taking into account couplings between the proton motion and vibrational excitations of a daughter nucleus. We apply the formalism to proton emitting nuclei $^{160,161}$Re to show that there is a certain range of parameter set of the excitation energy and the dynamical deformation parameter for the quadrupole phonon excitation which reproduces simultaneously the experimental decay rates from the 2$d_{3/2}$, 3$s_{1/2}$ and 1$h_{11/2}$ states in these nuclei.