A laboratory course for designing and testing spoken dialogue systems

The Spoken Dialogue Systems Laboratory at OGI gives students hands-on experience developing spoken dialogue systems (SDSs) in a rapid prototyping setting. The CSLU rapid prototyper (CSLUrp) allows students to quickly build and operate SDSs for dialogues of arbitrary complexity. CSLUrp consists of a graphical user interface that allows users to create SDSs with speech recognition, speech generation and arbitrary computation. When an application is designed, CSLUrp configures the system from the appropriate libraries in CSLUsh, the CSLU shell. The course explores CSLUrp in enough depth that students can craft and integrate their own low-level components (such as special purpose recognizers). In their final projects, students successfully built and demonstrated SDSs to do a variety of interesting tasks such as voice mail and directory assistance. Students found the course helpful and rated it highly.