Hybrid approximate multiplier architectures for improved power-accuracy trade-offs

Approximate computing forms a promising design alternative for inherently error resilient applications, trading accuracy for power savings. In this paper, we exploit multi-level approximation, i.e. at the algorithmic, the logic and the circuit level, to design low power approximate arithmetic architectures for hardware multipliers. Motivated from the limited power savings that approximation techniques can achieve in isolation, we explore hybrid methods that apply simultaneously more than one techniques from different layers. We introduce the concept of perforation for approximate arithmetic circuit design and we explore the newly defined design space of hybrid designs showing that it leads to lower power consumption at every examined error range. To address the increased complexity of the target design space, we introduce an heuristic optimization technique and the corresponding design framework that automatically generates hybrid low-power approximate multipliers requiring a small number of design evaluations, i.e. synthesis, simulation, power and timing analysis. Through extensive experimentation, we show that the proposed techniques converge towards optimal solutions and deliver approximate designs that are always more efficient with respect to state-of-art approaches. Power savings of 11% are reported for small error bounds and more than 30% in case of more relaxed error constraints.

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