Abstract Reference deconvolution (G. A. Morris; J. Magn. Reson. 80, 547 (1988)) or reference lineshape adjustment ( J. M. Wouters and G. A. Petersson, J. Magn. Reson. 28,81 (1977) ; J. M. Wouters, G. A. Petersson, W. C. Agosta, F. H. Field, W. A. Gibbons, H. Wyssbrod, and D. Cowburn, J. Magn. Reson. 28, 93 (1977) ) relies on extracting the signal of a known reference material from an experimental spectrum and using a comparison between the experimental reference signal and that predicted by theory to correct instrumental contributions to the full experimental spectrum. Truncation of the reference line can produce unwanted artifacts and distortions in the final spectrum. The source of these anomalies usually lies in the dispersion-mode rather than in the absorption-mode data, as discontinuities are formed when the dispersion “wings” are truncated. These discontinuities can be reduced by a numerical extrapolation covering the lost region; this is sufficient to provide adequate results in most cases, but fails where spectra have baseline errors. A method of recreating the full dispersion signal directly from the corresponding adsorption data, based on the Hilbert transform relationship between the real and imaginary parts of a Fourier transform, is demonstrated here. This method results in the removal of truncation distortions from the deconvoluted spectrum, thus extending the range of application of the reference deconvolution technique.
G. Morris,et al.
Suppression of artefacts in nuclear overhauser effect difference spectroscopy by reference deconvolution
P. Jehenson,et al.
Correction of distortions due to the pulsed magnetic field gradient‐induced shift in B0 field by postprocessing
Magnetic resonance in medicine.
R. R. Ernst.
Numerical Hilbert transform and automatic phase correction in magnetic resonance spectroscopy
G. A. Petersson,et al.
Reference lineshape adjusted difference NMR spectroscopy. II. experimental verification
Richard R. Ernst,et al.
Fourier Spectroscopy and the Causality Principle
Gareth A. Morris,et al.
Compensation of instrumental imperfections by deconvolution using an internal reference signal
G. A. Petersson,et al.
Reference lineshape adjusted difference NMR spectroscopy. I. Theory