Evaluation in Higher Education.

This action research project was realized as a part of course “Methodology of Education” during one semester. We intended to improve evaluation of high-school teaching. We devised and conducted different forms of summative and formative evaluation putting an emphasize on critical friendship between student and professor (coauthors of this account). For realization of critical friendship we utilized video records of teaching. At the end of teaching we offered to students different questionnaires and evaluation sheets, we conducted open standardized interview with the group of students, and realized workshop which was dedicated to evaluation of higher education teaching. Our research showed that students as subjects of educational process could actively participate in evaluation, and their comments and suggestions could stimulate the teacher to improve all phases of teaching process, along with evaluation. We consider that evaluation of higher education teaching could be improved by education of teachers and students about importance of evaluation for the quality of teaching process and different ways of including students in this process that was obtained at a professional meeting for teachers at the Philosophical Faculty of Osijek.