The origin of language

"On the Study of Words" (1851), Ch.1, R.C. Trench "Lectures on the Science of Language" (1861), IX, F.M. Muller "Languages and Languages" (1865), Chs.1-4, F.W. Farrar 'On the Origin of Language', "Fortnightly Review", Vol.4 (1866), E.B. Taylor 'The Origin of Language', "Westminster Review", Vol.86 (1866), Anon "The Descent of Man" (1871), Ch.2, C. Darwin 'Lectures on Mr Darwin's Philosophy of Language', "Fraser's Magazine", Vols.87-88 (1873), F.M. Muller 'The Origin of Language', "Westminster Review", Vol.102 (1874), Anon 'Professor Whitney on the Origin of Language', "Contemporary Review", Vol.78 (1874) "The Life and Growth of Language" (1875), Ch.XIV, W.D. Whitney 'The Simian Tongue', "New Review", Vol.4 (1891-2), R.L. Garner.