Treatment of biliary atresia is a major challenge in pediatric surgery. Early diagnosis and availability of Kasai procedure with its modern modifications improve outcome of biliary atresia treatment. But Kasai procedure does not fully restore anatomical integrity of biliary tract, because Oddi sphincter is not included in reconstructed system. Constant reflux of intestinal content into the biliary tree is a cause of recurrent cholangitis and change in biliary epithelium that, which is a predisposing factor for cholangiocarcinoma. Various methods have been developed to improve Kasai procedure and prevent the reflux (anti-reflux valve, different enteric conduits, etc.). Many authors used biological grafts made from artery, vein, appendix, urether as well as synthetic materials to restore hepaticocholedochus. Although, neither of these methods were implemented in clinical practice. Nowadays, huge attention is paid to organ and tissue bioengineering. Present advances of tissue bioengineering may assist to create bile duct equivalent, which can be used to restore biliary tract in patients with biliary atresia.