Awareness in collaborative systems: a CHI 97 workshop

We organized rhe workshop inw sessions of small focus groups fo llowed by large group summaries aJld discussions. During eadl small groul' rhere were three parallel group5 meering. \'(/c chose the foc\JS group topics based on our knowledge of the srare of research and the posicion papers. The discussion topics were: dt \'dopmenc of guidelines for designing a\v:Jren~ $Oiutions. our· lining £he dimensions of awarcnC'$$ information, discussio1l of evaluadon methods of awareness rnech:mi.sms/ solutions, proposal of potenrjal solu· rions. discussion of theoretical models. and devdopmem of a racarch suatCg)'· 11le specifics of each discussion group arc included in the next session.