The Boreal-Summer Intraseasonal Oscillations Simulated in a Hybrid Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean Model*

Abstract The boreal-summer intraseasonal oscillation (BSISO) simulated by an atmosphere–ocean coupled model is validated with the long-term observations [Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) rainfall, ECMWF analysis, and Reynolds' SST]. This validation focuses on the three-dimensional water vapor cycle associated with the BSISO and its interaction with underlying sea surface. The advantages of a coupled approach over stand-alone atmospheric approaches on the simulation of the BSISO are revealed through an intercomparison between a coupled run and two atmosphere-only runs. This coupled model produces a BSISO that mimics the one presented in the observations over the Asia– western Pacific region. The similarities with the observations include 1) the coherent spatiotemporal evolutions of rainfall, surface winds, and SST associated with the BSISO; 2) the intensity and period (or speed) of the northward-propagating BSISO; and 3) the tropospheric moistening (or drying) and ove...

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