DOI 10.1002/hbm.10066 Published online 5 September 2002 in Wiley InterScience (www. Figure 2. Independent components and associated time courses from functional MRI scans. Random effects group fMRI maps are thresholded at P 0.00025 (t 4.5, df 14). A total of six components are presented. A green component extends on both sides of the parieto-occipital sulcus including portions of cuneus, precuneus, and the lingual gyrus. A yellow component contains mostly occipital areas. A white component contains bilateral visual association and parietal areas; and a component consisting of cerebellar and motor areas is depicted in red. Orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate areas identified are depicted in pink. Finally, a component including medial frontal, parietal, and posterior cingulate regions is depicted in blue. Group averaged time courses (right) for the fixate-drivewatch order are also depicted with similar colors. Standard deviation across the group of 15 scans is indicated for each time course with dotted lines. The epochs are averaged and presented as fixation, drive, and watch. Human Brain Mapping 17:141–142(2002)