Site factor effects on establishment of planted and volunteer trees and shrubs on graded cast overburden and replaced topsoil in southeastern Ohio

Abstract We measured survival and height of trees planted on graded cast overburden in southeastern Ohio as affected by aspect and slope position in one study and by aspect and interplanted European alder in an adjoining study. We also measured density and height of volunteer trees and shrubs on the cast overburden and on adjacent topsoiled plots that were not planted with trees. After eight years, survival for planted species varied from 1% for white pine ( Pinus strobus L.) to 92% for green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh) Survival was poor ( 15% r silver maple l(Acer saccharinum L.) and intermediate (43-52% or European alder [ Atnus giutinosa ( L.) Gaertn.] sycamore ( Platanus occidentalis L.) bur oak ( Quercus macrocarpa Michx) and Austrian pine ( Pinus nigra Arnold) Aspect ( northeast vs. southwest) or slope position ( upper vs. lower) affected survival only of silver maple. Maple survived better on the northeast-facing, lower slope ( 43% ) than on other combinations of aspect and slope position ( ...