Construction and Applicability of GIS-Based Grave Management System
Korean traditional practice that gets a gravesite for burial and reckless grave establishment not only obstructs systematic national land management and reasonable urban development, but also causes a serious factor which has a harmful effect on natural environment and residential space in reality that our country is limited in area 2011년 10월 20일 접수 Received on October 20, 2011 / 2011년 12월 12일 수정 Revised on December 12, 2011 / 2011년 12월 21일 심사완료 Accepted on December 21, 2011 * 본 논문은 2007년 Asia GIS학회 심포지움에서 발표한 내용을 수정·보완한 것으로서, 2009년도 금오공과대학교 학술연구지원에 의해 수행되었음(과제번호 2009-104-073). 1 금오공과대학교 토목환경공학부 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology 2 (주)우성기술단 Woosung Engineering Group Inc. ※ 연락저자 E-mail : GIS기반 분묘관리시스템의 구축 및 적용/이진덕 ·이승환 209 and national and social bases for use and establishment of graves are still inadequite. Though government and local governments have tried to cope with these problems by enacting legislation on funeral and others and so forth, they still have a variety of problems due to the shortage of grave management systems and information of accumulated individual graves. This study describes about the development of a GIS-based grave management system for making administrative management for individual cemeteries the prime object. As a result of application to a pilot area, the system developed in this study was able to be applied for supporting the time-limited burial system and managing cemeteries for those who left no relatives behind by constructing the database with grave-related position/attribute information which are collected by administrative system or direct survey. In addition, it is expected that this system will be utilized as a systematic management method that can be handed down the present or the future descendants under the tradition of the family-oriented funeral culture.
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